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Synthesis and characterization of MnPS3 for hydrogen sorption

مؤلف البحث
Ismail, N.; Temerk, Y. M.; El-Meligi, A. A.; Badr, M. A.; Madian, M
ملخص البحث

Single phase MnPS3 powder was prepared by solid state reaction between Mn. S and P carried out at 650 ˚C in evacuated silica tube. The structure, morphology and sorption characteristics of the prepared solid were investigated. The results revealed that the obtained MnPS3 compound was capable of adsorbing 3.5 wt% hydrogen at – 193 ˚C and a pressure of 30 bar. Little amount of hydrogen (0.07 wt %) was adsorbed at room temperature. The hydrogen adsorption/desorption cyclesat various temperatures did not result in irreversible chemical structural changes of the MnPS3 compound, but the microstructure after hydrogen cycling diminished and became finer.

قسم البحث
مجلة البحث
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
Vol. 183 ,Issue. 5
موقع البحث</br>&_udi=B6WM2-4YJ6GNR-4&_user=1052409&_coverDate=05%2F31%2F2010</br>&_alid=1376141131&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_cdi=6922</br>&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=8&_acct=C000051060&_version=1&_urlVersion
سنة البحث
صفحات البحث
PP. 984–987