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Ecophysiological studies on Ochradenus baccatus Delile in Wadi Qena Eastern Desert, Egypt

مؤلف البحث
Fawzy M. Salama*, Mohamed K. Ahmed**, Noha A. El-Tayeh**, Sabah A. Hammad**
ملخص البحث

Ochradenus baccatus (family Resedaceae) is a dioecious or bisexual shrub and represent the characteristic species in wadi Qena. It presented in 13 stands in the study area. To study the ecophysiological characters of the investigated plant in this area, two visits were arranged during Wi (Winter) and Su (Summer) of 2010. Data showed that soil water content and organic matter in wadi Qena was very low over the year. pH values in the soil solution at the different studied stands in wadi Qena tended to be slight alkaline. O. baccatus plants tended to increase significantly their content of Chl. a in Wi, while in Su Chl. b increased but Chl. a/b ratio was maintained one in both seasons. The chlorophyll (a or b) stability index was significantly higher in Wi than that in Su. The results indicated that Ca2+ and Mg2+ were accumulated in considerable amounts in the investigated plants while K+ accumulated in fewer amounts compared with Na+. O. baccatus accumulated SO42- in Su more than Wi. Phosphates appeared in plants in a few amounts. Data indicated also that O. baccatus plants tend to increase their soluble sugars, soluble proteins and total free amino acids significantly during Su season than Wi. Proline concentrations were higher in Wi than in Su. It can be concluded that there are close relationships between the presence of, K+, Na+ and Cl- in high concentrations in the plants during the dry season on one hand and the accumulation of soluble sugars and soluble proteins on the other hand. However, this may be primarily related to metabolism of drought resistance in such desert plants.

مجلة البحث
Assiut Univ. J. Bot.
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