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The use of cyclic stratigraphic pattern of peridinioid and gonyaulacoid
dinoflagellate cysts in differentiating potential thick monotonous carbonate
reservoirs: A possible ecostratigraphic tool under test

مؤلف البحث
Sameh S. Tahoun, Amr S. Deaf, Ibrahim M. Ied
ملخص البحث

The current work used the conventional peridinioid-gonyaulacoid ratio (P/G) to devise a new concept of dinoflagellate
cyst zonation called the dinoflagellate ecological zone (DEZ), which is based here on the peridinioid
ecological zone (PEZ) and gonyaulacoid ecological zone (GEZ). The PEZ and GEZ were used successfully to
further divide the thick monotonous carbonate succession (mid-Cenomanian to Campanian) in Q-72-1X well in
the Eastern Desert of Egypt into smaller ecozones. PEZ and GEZ are practical and easy to use in subdividing large
conventional biozones of the carbonate reservoirs into distinguishable, smaller ecozones when a finer resolution
is necessary on a reservoir scale for production demands. This tool is suggested to be used in the hydrocarbon
exploration industry with minimum knowledge of the taxonomy of the dinoflagellate cysts. The proposed PEZ
and GEZ are related to local ecological conditions within the basin/hydrocarbon field (i.e. can be traced out
laterally in an intra-basinal scale). This tool can be applied to any carbonate reservoirs in any petroliferous basin
Moreover, the P/G ratio, the relative abundances of the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and other palynological
parameters were used successfully to reveal the palaeodepositional settings of the identified PEZ and
GEZ. Alternating, transgressive and regressive phases were identified, although a dissimilar species composition
is observed in each of these ecozones. Environments were interchanging between the regressive, marginal
marine to proximal inner neritic and the transgressive, distal inner to middle shelf settings. Three peridiniacean
dinoflagellate cyst peaks were recorded, the middle Cenomanian Subtilisphaera peak, the middle Coniacian
Isabelidinium, Chatangiella, and Manumiella peak, and the middle Santonian Isabelidinium peak.

قسم البحث
مجلة البحث
Marine and Petroleum Geology
المشارك في البحث
Elsevier B.V.
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