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A comparative study on the effect of alternate and direct electrical currents on hind limb regeneration in the Egyptian toad, Bufo regularis Reuss

مؤلف البحث
Reda A. Ali
ملخص البحث

Two different types of electrical currents, alternate current (AC) with the frequency of 50 Hz/second and direct current (DC) at the same strength 0.5 milliampere were applied to the amputated hind limbs of a premetamorphic stage (number 56) of the tadpole of the Egyptian toad, Bufo regularis Reuss to compare between their effects on the regenerative capacity after transection at the mid shank level. DC was found to have a partial enhancing effect. AC was found to have a slight retarding effect. It was suggested that the low enhancing effect of DC might be due to metal toxicity of the electrode products and interference of the applied current with the natural regeneration current. Also, the retarding effect of AC might be due to nerve damage, blocking of the natural regeneration current and disturbance of orientation of iron binding proteins.

مجلة البحث
J. Union Arab Biol., Cairo
المشارك في البحث
Union Arab Biologists Cairo
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عدد البحث
10 (A)
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