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Structural morphology and nonlinear behavior of pure and co‑doped Zn1‑x‑yFexMyO varistors with (M = Cu, Ni)

مؤلف البحث
Abdullah F. Al‑Naim, N. Afify, A. Sedky, S. S. Ibrahim
ملخص البحث


We report here structural morphology and nonlinear behavior of pure and co-doped Zn0.90-
xFe0.1MxO with (M = Cu, Ni and
(x = 0.00, 0.10) and (0.00 ≤ y ≤ 0.20)) at different sintering temperatures (Ts = 850 and 1000 °C). It is found that the co-doping
of ZnO by (Fe + Cu) or (Fe + Ni) up to 0.30 does not deform the well-known wurtzite structure of ZnO, as well as pure and
0.1 of Fe-doped ZnO. The SEM micrographs did not show any secondary phases at the boundaries of grains as compared
to ZnO, the average grain size is decreased for Fe and (Fe + Cu) samples, while it is increased for (Fe + Ni) samples. The
nonlinear coefficient α and breakdown field EB are generally increased by 0.1 of Fe addition, but they are shifted to lower
values as Ts increases for all samples. Furthermore, they are gradually increased/decreased to higher/lower values for
(Fe + Cu/Fe + Ni) samples up to 0.30 of co-doping content. The values of α and EB are increased from 30.06, 2115.38 V/cm
for ZnO at 850 °C to 50.07, 5012 V/cm by (0.1Fe + 0.2Cu) co-doping, and from 23.53, 1956.52 V/cm to 45.58, 4750 V/cm
at 1000 °C, while they are, respectively, decreased by (0.1Fe + 0.2Ni) to 13.19, 312 V/cm and 11.85, 172.42 V/cm. Similar
behavior was generally obtained for nonlinear conductivity σL and height of potential barrier φB, whereas the vice is versa
for the behavior of leakage current Jk and residual voltage Kr. Our results are discussed in terms of the comparative participation
between the effects of co-doping of (Fe + Cu) and (Fe + Ni) to ZnO for supporting the potential barrier as compared to
individual doping by Fe, Cu and Ni. This study perhaps recommended these samples for optoelectronic and ferromagnetic
investigation after COVID-19 is over.
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مجلة البحث
Applied Physics A
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