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Novel elimination method of iron and manganese ions from drinkable groundwater in Assiut, Egypt, by using sodalite-bearing modified illite

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The world’s interest now is focusing on the applying of the principles of sustainable development in managing natural resources, especially in managing freshwater, which is one of the greatest challenges the whole world face. In this paper, the illite ore was tested to remove the excess of iron and manganese from groundwater which is used for drinking and household purposes in Assiut. To accomplish this goal, the study was based on two directions. The first direction focused on achieving a physicochemical analytical survey for all the groundwater produced by wells in Assiut governorate, and its averages are plotted on GIS maps, to illustrate the difference in the concentrations of iron and manganese. However, the second direction focused on the preparation and examination of the modified illite ore, and it was characterized by using XRD, SEM, FT-IR, and XRF techniques. The results showed that the sodalite-bearing modified illite (SBMI) was able to remove the excess of iron and manganese from raw groundwater with the efficiency of 99% and 97%, respectively.

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