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Investigating the Change Of Ash’s Heavy Element Contents In Upper Egypt Electricity Power Company (UEEPC) In According To Egypt vision 2030

مؤلف البحث
GS Hassan, DA Mohamed, SE Abo-Neima
ملخص البحث

The heavy fueled power plants produce solid waste as fly ash which contains heavy and trace elements. In this study the going in accordance with Egypt Vision 2030, effects and benefits in reducing the ash amount for produced MW will be studied, the change in ash contents of rare and heavy elements that can extracted and reused will be determined. As, the reduction in ash amount on the long run as it has a positive effect on the environment. The amount of ash produced will be defined, then the enrichment of its content of heavy and trace elements will studied. The results showed that fly ash amount reduced with application of Egypt’s vision 2030, and it has a valuable content that could be collected, treated and utilized. It was found that the pollution’s indexes of these elements are extremely high, but on the other side ash has an economical value due to its contents of rare and heavy elements that can extracted and reused. Finally, this reduction in the long run has a positive effect on the environment and consequently, to the health.

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مجلة البحث
Journal of Desert and Environmental Agriculture
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