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12th International Conference on the Geology of Africa (ICGA-12)



Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Minshawy

President of Assiut University


Prof. Dr. Abdel-Hamid Abu-Sehly                           Prof. Dr. Gamal Z. Abd El-Aal

Honorary Chairman; Dean of Faculty of Science               Chairman; Head of Geology Department


Prof. Dr. Moustafa M. Youssef

Secretary General of the Conference


The Geology Department of Assiut University welcomes you to attend the

12TH International Conference on the Geology of Africa (ICGA-12)

Under the Theme:



 which is going to be held in November 6-7, 2024 at Assiut University. The "ICGA" is a biennial event since 1999 has been taken place eleven times in Assiut, Egypt; bringing together leading researchers, scientists and industrial leaders to present up to date advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied geological science and their role in sustainable development of African countries. Young scholars, scientific delegates and young scientists are cordially invited to join this event. The conference provides a platform to have open discussions, knowledge sharing and interactive sessions with field experts in the African Geology.

The language of the conference is English, French and Arabic. The text should be single-spaced with 12 points Times New Roman.


Important dates

Pre-Registration: August 1st, 2024.

Abstracts Deadline: September 1st, 2024.

Conference Opening: November 6, 2024.