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Applied schedule exams of the first semester of the academic year 2013/2014 AD.

History Article time band hallThursday12.12.2013 rhythm kinesthetic (2) the secondTo the Commission (1)From 1:30 9: 1309Rhythm kinesthetic (2) the secondTo the Commission (2)31: 60 1: 4309Saturday12/14/2013 singing group II 9: 4438Sunday12/15/2013 Arabic vocals (1) Third 9: 3438Monday12/16/2013 Machine educational Record firstTo the Commission (1)From 1:45 9: 4438Tuesday12/17/2013 Machine educational Record firstTo the Commission (2)46: 85 9: 4438Wednesday12/18/2013 Arabic vocals (2) fourth 9:12 438