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Exam Schedule Theory for Music Education Department first semester of graduate studies For the academic year 2013/2014 Master (Musician Arab "Nye - Promises")

LocationTimeName the course of history todayHall rehearsals 9:00: 11:00 methods of teaching Arabic music Sunday 12/01/2014Hall rehearsals 9:00: 11:00 16/01/2014 school leadership teams WednesdayHall rehearsals 9:00: 11:00 statistics and data analysis Saturday 01/18/2014Hall rehearsals 9:00: 11:00 Schools Arabic singing Tuesday 01/21/2014Hall rehearsals 9:00: 11:00 playing machine and Arab schools "1" Thursday 01/23/2014Hall rehearsals 9:00: 11:00 technician tasting Sunday 01/26/2014