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Fourth festival events Integrated Student Activities inauguration ceremony of the Federation of College Students

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Abdo Djaas RectorMr. Prof. Dr. / Mansour Mansi Dean of the CollegeThe presence of Dr. / Karam Abdalenaim in student activities coordinator universityDr. / Abrar Mustafa Ibrahim, Vice Dean for Education and Student AffairsAnd Dr. / Mohammed Jalal and Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, and Dr. / Vecdi Palm and Vice Dean for Development and Environment, Dr. / Eman Abdullah coordinator of student activities, the college community serviceAnd heads of departments and some college faculty members and advisers of the various committees and faculty managers and supervisors participating schools and a large number of college students and studentsFaculty of Specific Education at the University of Assiut organized on Thursday, 03.10.2016Fourth festival Integrated Student Activities between the college students and high school eventsThe ceremony of inauguration of the Federation of College Students The festival included a presentation of some of the paragraphs and the music and entertainment during the ceremony was the inaugurationStudent / Mustafa Mohammed AbedPresident of the Federation of CollegeThe tradition scarf UnionThe inauguration of the student / Hamid Hassan OsmanVice-president of the UnionIt was honored the rest of Trustees of Union College students and secretaries of the various committees and distribute them certificates of appreciation