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No Project Name Description Supervisors Team Year Department
1 Hybrid PV-Wind Power Generation System for Land Irrigation The main purpose of this project is to design configurations and installation of PV-wind hybrid system for irrigation purpose. 
  • Prf. Dr. Mazen Abd ElSalam
  • Mohamed Tharwat
  • Ahmed Farrag Ali
  • Ebrahem Abd El-Razik Mohammed
  • Salah El-Din Mohammed Hassan
  • Shahinda Mahmoud Bazeed
  • Mohammed Ahmed Foaad
2015 Science and Technology of the Sugar Industry Department
2 Feasibility Study of Stand-Alone PV System Feeding Electrical Demand of Assiut Cement Factory This project deals with renewable energy. 
  • Prf. Dr. Mazen Abd ElSalam
  • Mohamed Tharwat
  • Hamdi Zidan
  • Ahmed Abd El-Mohsen Mahfouz
  • Ahmed Abd El-Nasser lofty
2015 Science and Technology of the Sugar Industry Department
3 Intelligent Energy Management System Based on Wireless Sensor Network This project will evaluate the performance of an in-Home  Energy Management (IHEM) application.
  • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abo Zahhad
  • Prof. dr. Sabah Mohammed Ahmed
  • Dr. Mohammed Farrag
  • Dr. Mohammed Farouk
  • Alaa Mohammed Zainalabdeen
  • Anees Yosry Anees
  • David Magid Gamil
2015 Science and Technology of the Sugar Industry Department
4 Electrification of Five Star Hotel by a PV-Wind Hybrid System This project deals with using solar and wind energies to feed a hotel load at the lowest cost. 
  • Prof. Dr. Mazen Abd ElSalam
  • Prof. Dr. Mohamed Tharwat
  • Hamdy Ahmed Zidan
  • Abe El-Moez Ezzat Abe ElMoez
  • Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Bakli
  • Emeel Mokbel Hemy
  • Raed Anwar Farghaly
2015 Science and Technology of the Sugar Industry Department
5 Design and Implementation of Photovoltaic System This project provides an overview of the effect of solar electricity, the principle of photovoltaic energy conversion, the structure of photovoltaic, PV generators, energy storage, power…
  • Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abd El-Gawad
  • Dr. Mohamed Atef
  • Eman Farag Allah
  • Nehad Nageh Abo El-Ela
  • Amira El-Sayed Amin
  • Eman Ahmed el-Sadek
2015 Science and Technology of the Sugar Industry Department