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Prevalence of parasitic infestations in camels

مؤلف البحث
Ahmed Abdel-Rady
ملخص البحث

The prevalence of parasitic infestation was studied in camels. A total of 460 camels of different age, sex and localities were examined. Collected fecal samples were subjected to sedimentation and floatation techniques and then examined for parasitic eggs. Fecal examination revealed that 26.9% (124 out of 460) of the camels parasitic eggs in their feces. Different types of parasites eggs prevalence were Strongylus sp. 8.2%, Trichostrongylus sp. 6.7, Trichuris sp. 4.7%, and mixed infections with parasites were recorded in 7.1 %. In these results recorded hard ticks infestation in camels 28.6%. Sarcoptic scabei var cameli (mange) infest camels 12.1%. Moreover, camels are infected by Trypanosoma evansi 9.5%. The prevalence of parasitic infestation internal and external observed in the present study suggests that parasites are more common in the farms or herds that examined and may be leads to economic camel production losses, there is need to control program application.

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الموتمر العلمى السادس عشر للجمعية الأوربية البيطرية للتغذية والتغذية المقارنة بيدجوزيتش بولندن
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