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Biological re-description of a genetically typed, single oocyst line of the turkey coccidium, Eimeria meleagrimitis Tyzzer 1929

مؤلف البحث
S. El-Sherry & T. Rathinam & M. A. Hafeez & M. E. Ogedengbe & H. D. Chapman & J. R. Barta
ملخص البحث

For the purpose of re-describing the Eimeria species that infect the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) and to establish benchmark biological information linked to genetic markers for each species, a strain of Eimeria meleagrimitis Tyzzer 1929 was obtained from a litter sample from a turkey farm in Minnesota, USA in 2008. Multiple pure lines were derived by infecting turkey poults with a single oocyst; one of these lines was then used to re-describe biological and morphological features of E. meleagrimitis in the turkey and to designate a neotype of E. meleagrimitis in the turkey. Oocyst morphometrics of this line matched those of this species as originally described by Tyzzer (AmJHyg 10:269–383, 1929). Three asexual generations ofmerogony (the first generation of meronts large in size and the second and third generations small) were detected in the intestines before the onset of gametogony; no developmental stages were detected in the cecal pouches. No mortality was induced by this line of E. meleagrimitis even when turkey poults were infected with high doses of oocysts (up to 5×105 oocysts/bird) and despite the ability of E. meleagrimitis to induce severe mucosal damage in the upper and middle duodenum. Macroscopic lesions were characterized to provide a graded lesion scoring guide that should assist assessment of the severity of infections with this species in infected turkeys. The pathogenicity of the strain was investigated, and a significant reduction in weight gain and feed conversion ratio was observed with doses of 104 oocysts/bird or more. The maximum yield of oocysts in the feces was obtained when birds were inoculated with 5×103 oocysts.

مجلة البحث
parasitology research
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تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
vol: 113 - no: 3
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