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Zur sog "Vagus-indigestion" Funktionelle Magenstenose, Hoflund syndrom beim wasserbuffel

مؤلف البحث
A. El-Sebaie, N.A. Misk, M. Semieka und W. Hofmann.
ملخص البحث

In a total of 50 Egyptian water buffaloes, a Hof¬lund-syndrome (Functional Gastric Stenosis, Vagus-Indige¬stion) was diagnosed by clinical and surgical examination. The animals were classified as follows by primary cause and clinical accompanying symptoms: traumatic reticuloperitoni¬tis (16 cases), diaphragmatic hernia (10 cases), diffuse perito¬nitis (three cases), parareticular abscesses (5 cases), omasal impaction (7 cases), abomasum impaction (three cases), peri¬carditis (3 cases), one case of multiple liver abscesses and two cases with idiopathic or unknown cause. Clinical symptoms varied according to the dominating signs of the disease com¬plex. In general sick animals showed a bloating of the left flank at the right ventral abdominal wall, increased fre¬quency of rumen contractions with decreased intensity, rare and soft feces, signs of pain on percussion of the reticular re¬gion, bradycardia, marked loss of appetite and decrease of milk yield. In a small number of patients a decreased or ab¬sent motility of the rumen was observed. Rectal examination revealed an 1-shaped, extended rumen which was caudally displaced reaching up to the entrance of the pelvis. Explora¬tive laparotomy and rumenotomy revealed a dilated rumen with foamy, mixed contents consisting of small particles. Analysis of acid-base-balance showed a metabolic alkalosis. Characteristic findings of hematologic examination were leukocytosis with neutrophilia and lymphocytosis, respec¬tively.

مجلة البحث
Dcr Praktische Tierarzt
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80: 4,
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