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Prevalence of Filariasis in camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Upper Egypt with special reference to treatment

مؤلف البحث
Ahmed Abdel-Rady
ملخص البحث

The study aimed to detect the prevalence of camel filariasis in Upper Egypt, the effect of age, sex, season, locality and periodicity of sampling and treatment of infested cases and also determines the diagnostic technique
for detection of the parasite. The study carried out on a total number of 350 camels (Camelus dromedarius)
belonged to different Governorates in Upper Egypt including Assuit, Sohag, Asswan and El-wady El-gaded, by
using the following methods for diagnosis of camel filariasis, wet blood film, thin blood film, thick blood film and
concentration technique (Knott’s technique). From the total number of examined camels (13 out of 350) camels were positive by blood film in percentage of 3.71%. The highest percentage of infection was recorded in El-Wady El-gaded Governorate (10.83%), hot season showed 4.96%, female more susceptible (7.79%) than male (2.56%), local breed more susceptible 5.9% while imported were 0%, samples taken at night time gave (5.59%) while day time 2.41%. 5–10 years old camels more susceptible than others and from clinically suspected camels (106) only 11 camels were positive by blood film while clinically healthy camels 244 only 2 camels were positive by blood film.
Keywords Prevalence, Camels, Filariasis, Diagnosis,Treatment

تاريخ البحث
قسم البحث
مجلة البحث
Journal of Parasitic Diseases
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