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A detailed Clinico-pathological profile of clinically diseased cattle and buffaloes with Theileriosis located in Al-Ghaniem region, Assiut Governorate, was aimed. Theileria annulata was confirmed by the presence of T. annulata piroplasms in blood smears and/or lymph smears followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). During the period of investigation (April 2015 to August 2018), out of the clinically inspected cattle (n= 300) and buffaloes (n= 100), 80 (26.67%) and 15 (15 %) cases were clinically suspected to have Theileriosis, respectively. The positive cases were molecularly identified (PCR). The general observed signs were anorexia, fever, swelling of superficial lymph nodes. Ocular lesions were white cloudiness were more obvious in the center of cornea rather than the borders (yellowish colored corneoscleral opacity surrounded by hyperemic band). A watery discharge from the eyes. Serous ocular discharge (watery lacrimation) was remarkable, however in severe cases the ocular discharges was accumulated in the medial canthus. Some newly born calves of less than one month exposed to ocular symptoms mainly protruding of eye ball with ictric conjunctiva. The clinical examination of conjunctivae of the clinically suspected cases with Theileriosis indicated that icteric appearance of conjunctivae in some cases. Three cases showed petechiated conjunctivae. In our study some animals showed up--word visible bulging of temporal fossa. Visible protrusion of hemorrhagic conjunctiva with apparently exophthalmia (ocular edema) were observed. Bloody diarrhea and tarry like diarrhea, change in feeding behavior or habit like depraved appetite by eating mud ,soil were noticed. On the other side, the most prominent necropsy features the recently succumbed animals: Gross changes in various organs including heart lungs, trachea, stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys superficial lymph nodes, mesenteric lymph nodes, small and large intestine. All mucous membranes and conjunctivae, peritoneum and abdominal fatty tissues were icteric. On external observation. Jaundice, petechial hemorrhages involving mucosal and serosal surfaces of many organs as well as body fat. In the thoracic cavity, the most prominent autopsy findings were obviously extra edematous swelling of all lobes of the lung, hydrothorax and the lung was distended, discolored, solid in texture, and filled with exudate by palpation, The liver was friable, yellowish, and larger than normal, with the gall bladder being markedly distended with dark olive-green or brownish green bile. The abomasum was the most severely affected organ in the alimentary canal, it contains numerous ulcers about 3 mm. in diameter .a few linear ulcers were present on the leaves. There were prominent hemorrhagic ulcers and petechial hemorrhages were seen in the abomasum of the most cases. There were remarkable enlargement of spleen (splenomegaly) were also recorded. The kidneys were congested or dark brown in color and their perirenal fat were yellowish in color. The heart had petechial and hemorrhages on the outer and inner surface of the auricles.
Key word: Cattle, Buffaloes, Theileriosis, polymerase chain reaction, autopsy finding

تاريخ البحث
قسم البحث
مستند البحث
مجلة البحث
Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal,
المشارك في البحث
عدد البحث
Vol. 65 No. 163,
موقع البحث
DOI: 10.21608/AVMJ.2019.169028
سنة البحث
صفحات البحث