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Caravans in the village of Ezbet Mubarak in the center of Sedfa

Caravans in the village of Ezbet Mubarak in the center of Sedfa A few days ago, medical convoys headed to the village of Ezbet Mubarak in the center of Sedfa south of the city of Assiut In order to sign the medical examination on livestock, serving young farmers and educators Under the patronage of Mrs. Madiha Darwish Dean of the College, under the supervision of Mr. Rajab Al-Bilal, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development It is worth mentioning that the convoys were yesterday in the village Aldweir in the center of Sedfa      Mr. Rajab Al - Bilal. General supervisor of caravans, that convoys in the village of Aldwair has treated the number of nine cases in obstetrics between diagnosis of pregnancy and washing of uterus and uterine inflammation and others and the Department of surgery treated eight cases between abscess and inflammation of eyes and tumors While the Department of Animal Medicine treated 782 cases, including cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats and horses and varied diseases between pneumonia and skin disease, nodules, parasites and liver worms and others      In the poultry department, the treatment service was provided for 12,000 birds between poultry, duck and bath Cases included preventive treatments, immunizations, infections and preventive treatments The convoys continue to serve the people of Assiut Governorate These convoys, which are supervised and implemented by the community service sector and environmental development in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, and participate members of the faculty of different disciplines and students of the final year in college