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Scientific conferences of the faculty at session No. 1070

     1. The Council was presented with the approval of the Board of the electrical Engineering Section and the Committee on Cultural Relations for the presence of Mr. Dr. Essam Mohamed Khaled-2th International Conference on Materials Science & Research, to be held from 26 to 27/9/2018 in F City Rankfurt Germany as a member of the organizing Committee of the Conference and lecturing that the University shall bear the expenses of moving and staying in the conference.Decision: The Council agreed 2. The Council was presented with the approval of the Board of the Architectural department and the Committee on Cultural Relations for the application of Mr. Dr. Amr Sayed Hassan, the teacher of the Department, concerning the opening of channels of cooperation and establishment of the American Society of Refrigeration, heating and air Conditioning engineers for Assiut University students.Decision: The Council agreed 3. The Board approved the approval of the Board of Electrical Engineering to pass the application of engineer/George Abu Yemen in the presence of His Excellency  "International Conference on Intelligent Energy Network engineering "2018 the 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (IEEE Sege 2018)To be held from 12-15 August 2018 in the state of Canada, where its sovereignty is accepted by the conference titled:  "Measurement of the phase using the micro-phase measurement unit when frequency differs from the nominal frequency of the network "The university shall not incur any expenses."Micro phasor Measurement Unit phasor Estimation by off-Nominal " Resolution: board approved 2. The Board of Directors of the architectural department and the Committee on Cultural Relations were presented with the approval of the travel of Mr. Dr./Mahmoud Mohamed Murad-the teacher in the department-to Saudi Arabia to perform the hajj.Decision: The Council agreed