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# Title Research Member Research Year
531 Biological control of root- rots and wilt diseases of cotton . Prof. Fikry Galal Mohammed Fahmy 2000
532 Use of Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. to suppress damping-off of cotton seedlings. Prof. Abdel-Moneim Mahmoud Hasan Amein 2000
533 Fungi associated with wheat foot and root diseases in Assiut governorate and some factors affecting disease incidence . Assiut Dr. Ali Diab Ali Alam 2000
534 Effect of certain treatments of potats tubers prior cutting on incidence of bacterial soft rot diseases of potato. Prof. Mohamed Hassan Abdel-Rehim Hassan 1999
535 Studies on Tolyposporium ehrenbergii the cause of sorghum long smut in Upper Egypt. Prof. Mohamed Hassan Abdel-Rehim Hassan 1999
536 Effect of certain treatments of potats tubers prior cutting on incidence of bacterial soft rot diseases of potato. Prof. Mohamed Atef Ahmed Mohamed Sallam 1999
537 The nematicidal effects of Tagetes spp. On the final population of Pratylenchus penetrans. Prof. Aida Mohamed Ibrahim El-Zawahiri 1998
538 Genetical studies on sugarcane plants derived from tissue culture. Prof. Fikry Galal Mohammed Fahmy 1998
539 Establishment of superior potato somaclone and the differential gene expression during Alternaria solani and potato mosaic viruses infection . Dr. Keinawi Mohamed Hassan Abd-El-Moneem 1997
540 Establishment of superior potato somaclone and the differential gene expression during Alternaria solani and potato mosaic viruses infection . Prof. Fikry Galal Mohammed Fahmy 1997