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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
1131 Effect of Foliar Spray with IAA and GA3 on Production and Protein Synthesis of Two Summer Squash Hybrid Cultivars Department of Genetics Prof. Hamdy Mohamed El-Aref Haris 2018
1132 Effect of Pre- and Post-harvest Treatments on Quality and Storability
of "Manfalouty" Pomegranates under Room Temperature
تأثير معاملات ما قبل وبعد الحصاد علي جودة وقابلية ثمار الرمان المنفلوطي للتخزين تحت
درجة حرارة الغرفة
Department of Pomology Dr. Alaa Abdel-Gaber Badawi Masood 2018
1133 Effect of Different Heat Treatment on the Characteristics of Ras Cheese during Ripening Department of Dairy Science Prof. Adel Ali Tammam Ayoub 2018
1134 المستوى المعرفي والتنفيذي لزراع القمح بمحافظة الوادي الجديد في مجال زراعة وإنتاج محصول القمح Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension Prof. Samia Abdel-samee Hilal Abdel-Wahid Soliman hilal 2018
1135 Synergistic action of glyphosate on novel pesticides against Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes under laboratory conditions. Department of Plant Protection Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Abdel-Wahab Mohamed Mahmoud 2018
1136 Hepato-morpholoy and biochemical studies on the liver of albino rats after exposure to glyphosate-Roundup® Department of Plant Protection Dr. Tasnim Abdel-Raouf Mohamed 2018
1137 Effect of feeding Acacia nilotica pods to sheep on nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance, ruminal protozoa and rumen enzymes activity. Department of Animal Production Mohsen Mohamed Farghaly Abd El-Aziz 2018
1138 Identification of charcoal rot resistance QTLs in sorghum using association and in silico analyses Department of Plant Pathology Professor. Amer Faiz Ahmed Mahmoud 2018
1139 Heterosis for seed yield and related traits in sunflower Department of Agronomy Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2018
1140 Chemical and Technological Characteristics of white Dent Maize (Zea mays Var. Identata) Grains as Affected by Different Treatments. 2- Physicochemical, Technological Properties, Phytate Phosphorus, Phytic Acid Contents of Wheat Toast Bread and their Mixtu Department of Food Science and Technology Prof. Manal Abdel-Hamid Mahmoud Hassan 2018