The study at the Faculty of Physical Education started in the academic year 1980 / 1981 as a section of Faculty of Education – Assiut University and the ministerial resolution No. (930), on 25- 09- 1984 was issued to approve the internal bylaw of Faculty of Physical Education – Assiut University. Since that time, the faculty has been in continuous development, and the number of faculty members has become greater as well as other facilities such as constructions, sports equipment, academic and administrative buildings in a limited period of time and in the framework of a dynamic strategy adopted by Assiut University to upgrade the curricula, developing the education and research process to cope with recent improvements and advancements.
After 23 years from its establishment, the Faculty of Physical Education is now coping with current improvements and introduces its first updates of the curricula in the fields of Physical and athletic education and aspires for promising future for its graduates to be as responsible in the fields of teaching, training and managing of Physical Education in the various institutions. In this consideration the administration adopts modern development inputs to guarantee the continuity of this faculty in as development and dynamic to cope with educational variables and recent advancements such as adding new Majors, preparing qualified cadres able to fit in the labor market through three sections represented in teaching, training or managing sports activities. In addition to this, the administration generate new Majors to post graduate studies to meet community needs.
The new bylaw of undergraduate and post graduate studies provides the required impartment which we aspire to accomplish the set objectives in order realize the hopes of our country represented in preparing distinguished cadres capable of creation.