Faculty Mission
Faculty of physical education, Assuit University is one of the public educational institutions that render services in education, scientific research, and community service and environment development through a number of graduate and undergraduate programs according to recognized quality standards.
Faculty Vision
The Faculty of Physical Education, Assuit University strives to be pioneering and distinguished in education, scientific research and community service on both national and international levels in the field of physical education.
Faculty Objectives
1. Preparing Physical Education Teacher for Various Educational Stages and for Institution of physical Activities and human Developmental.
2. Preparing Physical Trainer for various sports Activities.
3. Preparing Specialists in Sport Administration Fields.
4. Preparing and qualifying Faculty Members, Research, specialists, and Experts in the physical Field.
5. conducting Research and Academic studies in different Fields of physical Education.
6. Developing the scientific and professional Level of Staff in the Field of Physical Education.
7. Providing academic Consultation for Governmental and Non-Governmental Organization in the fields of physical-Education.
8. Exchanging experiences and information with international, Arab and Egyptian cultural and educations, and co-operating with such institutions in handling the common physical issues.