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Ph. D. In sports training (volleyball training) , e.g. faculty of physical education giessen /germany , 2006
M. Sc. In physical education (volleyball) , e.g. faculty of physical education e.g. assiut university , 1996
B. Sc. In physical education (volleyball) , e.g. faculty of physical education e.g. assiut university , 1992

Professor Faculty of Physical Education, ِِAssiut University , 2019

Associate Professor Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University , 2014

Lecturer Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University , 2006

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University , 1996

Demonstrator Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University , 1992

CIQAP management team member Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University ,since 2009-07-06
No. Title
6 المشكلات الناجمة عن احتكار البث الإعلامى (التشفير) وعلاقته بالقانون المصرى "دراسة ميدانية
7 "برنامج تدريبي في ضوء تصنيف لابان لجوانب وأبعاد الحركة لتنمية المهارات الحركية الأساسية والكفاءة الإدراكية الحركية لبراعم الكرة الطائرة"

Training program in the light of the rating Lapan aspects and dimensions of the movement for the development of b
8 برنامج تدريبي مصحوب بمقرر الكتروني لتقويم أداء بعض مهارات الكرة الطائرة باستخدام التحليل الكيفي

Training program accompanied by an electronic scheduled to evaluate the performance of some volleyball skills using a qualitative analysis
9 دراسة تحليلية للضرب الساحقة وعلاقته بالمساحات البينية لمراكز اللعب فى مباريات المستويات العليا في الكرة الطائرة
10 تأثير برنامج تعليمى مقترح باستخدام أسلوب التعلم التعاونى على مستوى الأداء
المهارى والتحصيل المعرفى فى الكرة الطائرة لطالبات كلية التربية الرياضية - جامعة أسيوط

1- Hany foly Abu Seif Othman , Psychological skills and their relationship to the Athletic Achievement motivation for the handicapped vollyball players in Assiut governerate ,2018-07-22

2- Kamal Ahmed Kamal Mahros , The effect of a training program using the means of implementing the plans on the performance of some of the principles tactical offensive , according to the organization 4-4-2 for beginners football ,2014-12-22
supervisor: Prof.Dr. Mohamed Ibrahem Mahmoud Soultan Randy Abd-Elazez Hassan Ahmed Khodary Mohamed

3- Ahmed Mohamed Abbas , Training program for the development of Harmonic capacity Associated with the offensive skills In basketball and its impact on the level of performance skills of junior ,2013-07-03

4- Ahmed Mohamed Houssin , The impact of a proposed training program using some of the positions of offensive play on the effectiveness of some of the performances composite skills for football junior ,2012-06-30

5- Rasha Atiya Mohamed , The effect of a Suggested training program on some skill and physical variables for players of volleyball set in the light of the performance requirements ,2013-07-01

6- Ahmed Mohamed Abd-alla Bekhet , An exploratory study of performance as a basis for tactical training program proposed for beach volleyball players ,2011-05-23

7- ِِAaref Saleh El-karmady , The impact of a training program using the training bolometric on the development of some physical variables and kinetics and improve the performance of the rapid beating overwhelming volleyball players of the Republic of Yemen ,2008-11-26

8- Marwa Ramadan Mahmoud , Measuring the planning culture for the volleyball trainers ,2008-02-17