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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

the final appointment of the beginning of the school band camp will be held from 31-1-2014 to 7-2-2014
Date was set to discuss master's thesis for the researcher Rania Sediq Abdullatif gastrula for the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Physical Education will be held on Thursday, 13-02-2014 at 1 pm
Date was set to discuss master's thesis for the researcher Rania Sediq Abdullatif gastrula for the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Physical Education will be held on Thursday, 13-02-2014 at 1 pm
Date was set to discuss master's thesis for the researcher  Ahmed Yousef Mohammed Hassan gastrula for the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Physical Education will be held on Wednesday, 4-2-2014…
Date was set to discuss master's thesis for the researcher  Ahmed Yousef Mohammed Hassan gastrula for the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Physical Education will be held on Wednesday, 4-2-2014…
Decide to start the second semester of the academic year 2013/2014 on Saturday 22/02/2014 Based on the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities
Decide to start the second semester of the academic year 2013/2014 on Saturday 22/02/2014 Based on the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities
Completion of the ICTP training of the first group IT module on 01/23/2014
Completion of the ICTP training of the first group IT module on 01/23/2014
Was scheduled to discuss master's thesis for the researcher Osama AlSaied Tmam gastrula Department of Athletic Training and Movement Science will be held on Thursday, 13-02-2014 at 11 am 
Was scheduled to discuss master's thesis for the researcher Osama AlSaied Tmam gastrula Department of Athletic Training and Movement Science will be held on Thursday, 13-02-2014 at 11 am 
The result of the first level of the Open Learning for the first semester