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Important announcement for our students

Within the framework of fruitful and constructive cooperation between Assiut University, which is one of the oldest Egyptian universities, and the leadership of the Popular and Military Defense Forces represented by the Military Education Department at Assiut University.
#Please kindly note the following:
1 - Recently, some students have complained about being exposed to fraud by some groups on social media and transferring sums of money to Vodafone Cash in exchange for completing the military education course and extracting success certificates.
2 - Some students went to the Military Education Department to obtain a certificate of completion of the course according to what was specified for them from the aforementioned groups, and the student discovered that he was not registered or had any data within the Military Education Department, and it became clear to us that they were electronic groups for fraud on students.
3- Kindly take what you deem appropriate to publish to all students not to deal with military education courses except with the Military Education Department at the university only and that the Military Education Department is not responsible for any student being exposed to electronic fraud or by some individuals.
4- Kindly publish that registration for military education courses is done by the student going in person with his national ID card and college card to register manually in the military education course and that there are no electronic sites for registration.
E- The student registering himself on the military education system and receiving the registration card and course instructions and attending it is the only legal procedure to obtain the course
6- Raising awareness among students to immediately report any sites or individuals who receive sums of money in exchange for completing the course.
7- Kindly publish an official publication issued by the Military Education Department on all colleges and the official page of Assiut University.