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November 2, 2021 By the grace of God, the Sports Physiology Laboratory at the Faculty of Physical Education won the Distinguished Award this year, outperforming 16 labs at the university level and…
Praise be to God, the college got second place at the university level "handball" in the refresher course first place basket And again Tayra Praise be to God. Of course, the college won first…
God willing, the doctoral thesis submitted by the researcher/ Doaa Qaoud Ismail Muhammad will be discussed. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Sports Administration and Recreation - College of…
Today, Sunday 24/10/2021, a doctoral thesis submitted by the researcher/ Zakaria Al-Awadi, of Emirati nationality and registered at the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University, was…
God willing, the doctoral thesis submitted by . will be discussed Researcher / Muhammad Gad Al-Karim Obaid Ali- Enrolled in the Department of Sports Management and Recreation - Faculty of…
     تقرر عقد امتحانات تأهيلى دكتوراه للعام الجامعى 2021-2022 امتحان اليوم التاريخ المجال العام السبت 23/10/2021…