Title: ِA suggest program to evaluate the recreational activities of thehandicapped in clubs and youth centers in the Arab Republic of EgyptDepartment: Directorate Sports and RecreationSupervision…
Title: ِA suggest program to evaluate the recreational activities of thehandicapped in clubs and youth centers in the Arab Republic of EgyptDepartment: Directorate Sports and RecreationSupervision…
Congratulate the Faculty of Physical Education Dr / Hiba Abdel Azim Hassan assistant professor, Department of Athletic Training and Movement Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education, University of…
Congratulates the Faculty of Physical Education Mr. / Esmat Mohamed Sayed Teacher Assistant, Department of Recreation and Sports Management degree to the teacher in the same section devoted to…
Congratulates the Faculty of Physical Education Mr. / Esmat Mohamed Sayed Teacher Assistant, Department of Recreation and Sports Management degree to the teacher in the same section devoted to…
اكتب نصًا أو عنوان موقع ويب أو ترجم مستندًا.
هل تقصد: يهنىء كلية التربية الرياضية السيد الدكتور طارق فاروق عبدالصمد الأستاذ المساعد بقسم التدريب الرياضى وعلوم…
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هل تقصد: يهنىء كلية التربية الرياضية السيد الدكتور طارق فاروق عبدالصمد الأستاذ المساعد بقسم التدريب الرياضى وعلوم…
Congratulates the College of Physical Education, Dr. Farooq Tariq Abdul Samad, Assistant Professor, Department of Athletic Training and Movement Science professor appointed to allocate (biomechanics…
Congratulates the College of Physical Education, Dr. Farooq Tariq Abdul Samad, Assistant Professor, Department of Athletic Training and Movement Science professor appointed to allocate (biomechanics…
Happy EidAdvancing family Faculty of Physical Education in my name states hearty congratulations to the members of teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut…
Happy EidAdvancing family Faculty of Physical Education in my name states hearty congratulations to the members of teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut…
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هل تقصد: Dr. Jamal Mohamed force the 98 team to studying two hours
Devoted to Jamal Mohammed, coach 98 hours…