Said Dr. Ahmed Abdul Khaliq, Minister of Higher Education he had instructed Dr. Ashraf Hatem Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities Inform the heads of universities to postpone the study on…
Exam will be held basics of gymnastics squad for the second role Sep 2014 for the academic year 2014/2013 m on Sunday 07/09/2014 from 9-11 am and practical 11-1
Will be held exam pool (retardation) of the role of the second band Sep 2014 for the academic year 2014/2013 m on Sunday 07/09/2014 from 9-11 am and practical 11-1
Said Dr. Ahmed Abdul Khaliq, Minister of Higher Education he had instructed Dr. Ashraf Hatem Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities Inform the heads of universities to postpone the study on…
Held the first scientific conference of young people and the future of the sport in the Arab World (Future Vision), South Valley University in the period from 28/9 to 30/09/2014 Hurghada in…
Held the first scientific conference of young people and the future of the sport in the Arab World (Future Vision), South Valley University in the period from 28/9 to 30/09/2014 Hurghada in…
Based on the desire Aldarasin Balathak open education program at the Faculty of Physical Education has decided to D / Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education to accept a payment to be exceptional…
Based on the desire Aldarasin Balathak open education program at the Faculty of Physical Education has decided to D / Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education to accept a payment to be exceptional…