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The committee was approved to supervise and discuss the doctoral message of the researcher / Ahmed Mahmoud Osman Abdul-Jed of the masters: - Dr. Abdul Rahman Abdul Basit Madani (supervisor) A.D.…
The master's message will be discussed by The Master's Letter of The Researcher / Manar Jalal Mohammed Al-Saghir (Department of Sports Management and Recreation) from abroad under the title "Strategy…
** All students of the First Master's Division (New) Before the 2019/2020 academic year must quickly attend the Department of Graduate Studies and Research to hand over the remaining certificate…
The master's thesis presented by researcher Ilham Ahmed, who is enrolled in the Department of Educational and Sports Psychology at the Faculty of Sports Education, entitled "The Impact of…
The master's thesis presented by the researcher/ Ilham Ahmed, who is enrolled in the Department of Sports Management and Recreation at the Faculty of Sports Education, entitled "Decision-making and…
** All graduate students enrolled in the master's degree (PhD) must follow the entire supervisory body who are responsible for the research and not only follow up with one of the supervisors until…
The doctoral message will be discussed by researcher Khaled Awad Abdul Samae, Department of Sports Health Sciences (Abroad) under the title "The effect of a program of rehabilitation exercises using…
The management of the college congratulates both the faculty members and staff of the college Mr. Dr. Assem Saber Rashid to appoint His Excellency the head of the curriculum department and the…
Mr. Secretary General of the College congratulates Mr. Dr. Assem Saber Rashid for appointing his master of the curriculum department and teaching of sports education at the college, wishing his…
The doctoral message will be discussed by researcher Walid Hashim Attia, Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the Faculty of Sports Education (from abroad) under the title "…
The committee was approved to supervise and discuss the doctoral message of the researcher / Walid Ahmed Hashim Attia of the masters of the masters: - Dr. Abdul Hakim Rizk Abdul Hakim (discussed) A.D…
Shakil Committee of The Doctoral Message of the Researcher / Khaled Awad Abdul Samae: - Mr. Dr. Samir Maheddine Abushadi (discussed) and Mr. Dr. Magdi Mahmoud Ali (discussed and Mr. Dr. Hisham Abdul…