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Mr. Prof. Ahmed Salah Qarah, Dean of the faculty, congratulates Mr. A. Dr. Emad Eddin Shaaban on the professor of sports Physiology of the Department of Sports Health Sciences to promote his…
Within the framework of the distinctive international protocols between the Faculty of Physical Education of Assiut with many universities of the world, including the University of Magdborg and…
Under the dignified care of Mr. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Salah Qarah, Dean of the faculty. In the framework of the distinguished international Relations of the Faculty of Physical Education, the delegation…
Under the dignified care of Mr. A. Dr. Ahmed Salah Qarah, Dean of the faculty in the framework of the distinguished international Relations of the Faculty of Physical Education, the delegation of…
Under the patronage of Mr Ahmed Salah karaa, Dean and international relations of the Faculty of physical education University delegation attended Majid Burg Germany scientific visit College of…
Under the dignified care of Mr. A. Dr. Ahmed Salah Qarah, Dean of the faculty in the framework of the distinguished international Relations of the Faculty of Physical Education, the delegation of…
All students enrolled for the stage (diploma-master-doctorate) from abroad and teaching assistants and assistant teachers attend seminars (seminar) with visiting German delegation of college days (…
تم بحمد الله عقد مجلس الكلية عن شهر فبراير 2017م برئاسة السيد أ.د/ أحمد صلاح قراعة عميد الكلية وبحضور السادة أعضاء المجلس الموقر
The second band students quickly go to Student Affairs to pull third party application forms for the academic year 2017/2018 m
Preceding Mr Ahmed Salah karaa, Dean congratulate Mr Dr/locked Taha adore the comfortable water sports management Associate Professor Department of sports and recreation Administration to upgrade its…
Preceding Mr Ahmed Salah karaa, Dean congratulate Mr Ahmed abdalmid and arbitration management Professor mogul handball sports and Recreation Management Department to upgrade its sovereignty to a…
Preceding Mr Ahmed Salah karaa, Dean congratulate Mr d/Mustafa innocent_aa's Professor of teaching and curriculum section handball sports education to upgrade their sovereignty to a degree of…