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Students at the school speed difference approach to managing the affairs of the students to pay tuition fees and extract Rnah for the year 2014/2013 Will be allowed for students of non-Msddan entry…
Activity will begin tomorrow, Summer Club, Faculty of Physical Education  
Activity will begin tomorrow, Summer Club, Faculty of Physical Education  
 the training courses stopped for the staff  of the college by the training center for the university while further notice
Decided to hold the exam decision training field for the third day Tuesday, 05/06/2014 from eight o'clock in the morning and that courts college.
Decided to hold the exam decision field training squad for the fourth day Thursday 08/05/2014 from eight o'clock in the morning and that courts college.
Decided to hold the exam decision training field for the third day Tuesday, 05/06/2014 from eight o'clock in the morning and that courts college.
 the training courses stopped for the staff  of the college by the training center for the university while further notice
Decided to hold the exam decision field training squad for the fourth day Thursday 08/05/2014 from eight o'clock in the morning and that courts college.
Decides to start a cycle (massage) from Monday 04.28.2014  At eleven pm Baksol college
Decides to start a cycle (massage) from Monday 04.28.2014  At eleven pm Baksol college
Cycle will start in the typing Monday 06/05/2014 for the second group of staff college laboratory college Ground Floor at 8:30 am for a period of 4 days