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س God willing, the master’s thesis submitted by researcher Sayed Ibrahim - enrolled in the Department of Sports Administration and Recreation - at the Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut…
The family of the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University, represented by His Excellency Professor Dr. Imad Samir, Dean of the Faculty, the faculty members, administrators, employees, and…
The issuance and collection of supply orders in the graduate studies departments and student affairs departments has been suspended during the period from 6/23/2024 to 7/4/2024 AD due to inventory…
His Excellency Professor Dr. Imad Samir, Dean of the College, extends his sincere and most beautiful congratulations to the faculty members, the college staff, all the students, and the Islamic…
  Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Saleh - enrolled in the Department of Sports Health Sciences - Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University, on Monday, 6/10/2024 AD, at eleven and a half in the…
We are honored to inform you that the English Language Proficiency Exam (ELPT) will be held at the College of Arts on Friday, 6/7/2024 AD, and whoever wishes to take the exam must register in the…
May 26, 2024 God willing, the master’s thesis submitted by researcher Ahmed Nour El-Din Abdel-Ghani - enrolled in the Department of Sports Management and Recreation - will be discussed under the…
May 23, 2024 God willing, the master’s thesis of the researcher Youssef Najeh Adeeb Hobeish, enrolled in the Department of Educational and Psychological Sports Sciences, will be discussed under the…