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The president of Assiut University confirms the role of physical education in supporting sports activities and competing strongly at the level of Egyptian universities during his participation in a meeting of the Faculty of Physical Education

Mr. Dr. Tarek Al Jamal, president of Assiut University, confirmed during his participation in a meeting of the Faculty of Physical Education, which was held in conjunction with the beginning of the second semester, in the presence of Dr. Shehata Gharib Shlagami Vice president for education and Students Affairs, and Dr. Jamal Mohammed The dean of the College, Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Mahmoud, vice president for education and Students Affairs, Dr. Emad Samir, Vice dean for postgraduate studies and research, Dr. Saleh Mohammed Saleh, vice dean for community service and environmental development, as well as a number of department heads and members of the faculty Teaching assistants and directors of the competent departments. During this meeting, Prof. Dr. Jamal Mohammed, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, revealed that the meeting discussed a number of key themes that included the college's plan in the second semester, the adoption of the schedules, the follow-up of the college's projects, and what has been done about announcing the outcome of the semester The first study and the completion of the control works in record time as well as the facilities offered to the expatriate students, the Faculty of Quality and accreditation, the participation of the college in student activities and various events and meetings at the university, in addition to a number of other matters relating to the advancement In college and in the course of the study process.