About Us

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About us

On May 31st, 2020, Assiut University Council approved, in its session No. (709),  the establishment of the International Ranking Office at Assiut University, as an office-based on coordination and cooperation among all relevant departments concerned with international academic ranking affairs in different sectors of Assiut University at the level of Postgraduate Studies and Research, Students Affairs, Environmental Affairs, and International Relations at the university, beside the various units and research centers inside and outside Assiut University concerned with matters of strengthening the academic ranking and classification of Assiut University within the international rankings of universities.
Assiut University International Ranking Office seeks to study the methods of global international evaluation and different criteria to develop a comprehensive plan for all sectors to be adopted by the university administration in order to raise the classification of Assiut University in the various international classification bodies. Also, the office prepares an implementation program in collaboration with different university departments to collect data that support the university's classification among international universities. Moreover, the office is in charge of carrying out all activities related to strengthening Assiut University's position within the Academic Ranking of Universities.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

The office seeks to push Assiut University towards a high global level in the world ranking of universities. Also, it works to demonstrate this distinction to international bodies.


Our Mission

Achieving excellence for Assiut University in a way that enhances the university’s ranking within the international university rankings. Also, ensuring that the office is a reference department in developing the strategic plan to develop Assiut University. As well as building all forms of joint coordination with all sectors of Assiut University in addition to the university's research units and centers, by introducing the office’s scientific and professional capabilities, and developing a continuous working relationship with these colleges and research centers within the framework of plans and programs aimed at collecting and analyzing all information, data and issues related to academic classification that the office can contribute to its processing, analyzing and submitting it to relevant departments concerned with the academic ranking around the world, in addition to meeting the needs of colleges and research centers in terms of developing their cadres and improving their professional performance, to raise the academic classification of Assiut University.