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Floristic and community structure of some irrigation and drainage canals in Assiut, Egypt

مؤلف البحث
Ahmed Faried, Ahmed Amro
ملخص البحث

The floristic diversity and vegetation composition in Assiut province were investigated during August, September and October 2015. The data collected from 31 stands covering the study area included the species composition, life forms, chorology and occurrence (Q%). A total of 71 plant taxa belonging to 30 different families were recorded, with Poaceae and Asteracea as the largest families (25.4% and 11.3% of the recorded taxa, respectively). Therophytes represented the largest life form of plants (57.7%), followed by hemicryptophytes (12.7%), phanerophytes (11.3%). Species occurrence (Q-value) revealed that the study area dominated by 29 species (Q-values ≥ 0.2). The cosmopolitan and tropical species (pantropical and paleotropic elements) had the highest percentages among the represented chorotypes. Classification of the data-set yielded 4 vegetation groups (VGs): (A) Echinochloa stagnina-Pluchea dioscoridis, (B) Cyperus alopecuroides-Desmostachya bipinnata, (C) Phragmites australis and (D) Ricinus communis-Solanum nigrum. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) ordination based on species presence-absence data for each species showed the patterns of species composition in the different communities.

مجلة البحث
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
Special Isuue
موقع البحث
سنة البحث
صفحات البحث
pp. 1-20