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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
12151 Synthesis of Some Disperse Anthraquinone Dyes. قسم الكيمياء 1980
12152 “ Geological and paleontological studies on the Mesohellenic Basin, Northern Greece: Eocene smaller Foraminifera, “ قسم الجيولوجيا 1980
12153 The Influence of Impurities on Growth and Properties of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals قسم الفيزياء 1980
12154 The influence of wall losses on the counting efficiency of condensation nuclei counter for submicron particles. قسم الفيزياء 1980
12155 Effec t of Saline Irrigation and GihhereHic
Acid on Osmotic Pressure, Photosynthetic
Pigments, and Carbohydrate Content of Carrot
and Sugar Beet, Plants.
قسم علم النبات والميكروبيولوجي 1980
12156 pH - Metric Investigation of Stepwise Formation Constants of
Dioxouranium(VI) , Th(IV) , Ce(III) , Sc(III) , Y(III) and La(III)
Chelates with Tetrahydroxy- p- Benzoquinone .
قسم الكيمياء 1980
12157 Mannich bases of 2-aminothiazoles قسم الكيمياء 1980
12158 Nuclear Heptylation of Benzene and Naphthalene & Cyclopentylation of Toluene قسم الكيمياء 1980
12159 The Influence of Impurities on Growth and Properties of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals. قسم الفيزياء 1980
12160 Fragmentation Pattern of Amino-p-henzoqtiinones & Their Acetate Derivatives under Electron Impact.
قسم الكيمياء 1980