

AUN parking aims to provide equitable and safe access to the campus while improving quality of life and environmental values. When the faculty member takes a permit to enter his car to the university campus, he can leave his car in the parking lot without a subscription.

Below you can find the required conditions for obtaining a permit to enter the cars of faculty members:-

  • The members of the teaching staff and their assistants and the university staff are granted the ID card to enter their private cars on the campus.
  • When the ID is lost, the owner of the car issues a note to the security of the university to permit others from using the ID, and another sticker is extracted for his sovereignty instead of losing.
  • It is permissible to grant the members of the teaching staff, their assistants and workers (personal permit) to enter their cars or the cars of one of their relatives to the university campus to connect them to their workplaces.
  • The period for entering the cars of the members of the teaching staff and their assistants is from eight in the morning until eight in the evening due to the nature of their work.
  • Students of practical faculties may take the permission to enter the campus with their cars from eight in the morning until four in the afternoon during the academic year.
  • Disabled students or their relatives can take a permission to enter the campus with their cars from eight in the morning until four in the afternoon during the academic year.
  • Each car has its own badge; It is not permitted to use the same badge in multiple cars.
  • In the event of any violation of the previous rules, the ID or permit will be withdrawn for a year or a sum will be paid.
  • The car Badge must be activated every academic year
  • Car sticker request 
    Entry permission request 

