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Vice-dean word

Vice Dean Word

Scientific research plays a fundamental and vital role in the development and renaissance of nations, as it is considered the locomotive of development and progress in any country, so the postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Agriculture - Assiut University - is considered one of the important pillars that rise and advance the college and then the university because of its sublime goal of raising the level Intellectual and scientific research for students of postgraduate studies and carrying out scientific research that serves community issues and solving its problems, bearing in mind that the college is keen on presenting its various programs according to academic accreditation standards and ensuring local and international quality

 In this context, the college is equipped with the latest laboratory equipment to provide a distinguished scientific service. The college also includes a group of farms that cover all disciplines and various study and research programs. The college’s library is also provided with books, references and modern scientific periodicals in addition to the digital library and the research funding unit and international publication. Postgraduate studies, in conjunction with faculty members, developed the college's research plan, which is translated into reality in master's and doctoral dissertations and faculty research. The Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences was also published, which is a journal specialized in publishing scientific research according to solid scientific rules and foundations. The college holds scientific conferences, workshops, seminars, training courses, etc., which aim to advance scientific research

 Postgraduate studies in the faculty are keen to establish cooperation relations with various colleges and research centers at the local and international levels by holding bilateral protocols and exchanging professors to benefit from specialized scientific expertise and conducting joint scientific research, as well as sending faculty members and their assistants to attend conferences, seminars, training courses, workshops, and nomination for foreign missions. And the interior, joint supervision missions, scholarships, scientific missions and others

 In conclusion, I extend to the faculty members and their assistants, researchers and postgraduate students in the college our partners in education and scientific research with all greetings and appreciation, and we invite you to tour this site to get to know us and our programs and study plans. Partners in the educational and research process.