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A Study in Assiut University Molded Bread is a Poisonous Killer of Humans

Fungi have become part and parcel in our daily life. In spite of the danger and health problems that may be caused by some of these fungi, many people still use them comfortably and nonchalantly. Such various types of fungi spread over several kinds of food that we have; a matter that causes great damage to man’s health.   Based on this realization, Prof. Raafat Abdu, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture has conducted a research on molded bread studying the fungus that grows and spreads on the bread we take everyday, especially the homemade bread which we bake mostly in every upper Egyptian house. The study aimed at defining the danger that may occur as a result of eating this molded bread particularly at lower class regions where people may be unaware of the results of eating this molded bread.   The study has been conducted in collaboration with the Botany Department, Faculty of Science. Samples of bread and flour damaged with the fungus were collected from different areas. Results assured that most of the fungi examined belong to the type known as Aspergillus (a dark type of fungi which spread mostly over foods at homes). It was also found out that a large portion of the thermo-resistant fungi exist in the flour, whereas the other types on the surface of the bread happen to damage the bread as a result of pollution after the baking process since this type is not thermo-resistant.   The conclusion asserts the poisonous consequences of using fungi-polluted bread or flour and this is not confined to bread and flour only but the poisonous effect may extend to include most legumes when stored in an environment that helps in the growth and spread of fungi. Therefore, the study recommends that people should take the utmost care when using molded bread even for feeding cattle or farm animals.