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Discussion of a masters Scholar / Hessen Ahmed El-Hagg Hamoud

Curricula and Physical Education Teaching Departement - Specialty / cirricula and teaching method - is honored to invite you to attend a discussion of a master's Scholar / Hessen Ahmed El-Hagg HamoudUnder the title :Educational program using creative teaching skills of the student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education and its impact on the level of fitness and motor skills of gymnastics with some students the basic education stage Under the supervision of professors :Pro.Dr/Kamel Abdul Magged Konswa Professor of Curricula and teaching method at Curricula and Physical Education Teaching Departement and Agent Physical Education for Community Service and Environmental Development - Physical Education faculty - assiut universityProfessor Assistant .Dr/Mohammed Kamal El-Den El-Barody Professor assistant at Curricula and Physical Education Teaching Departement - specialty teaching gymnastics -Physical Education faculty - Assiut university at Sunday, 23/1/2014