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Faculty of Physical Education celebrates the 60th anniversary of university studies

Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Salah Qarah, Dean of the faculty, to organize a student rally to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the university's school launch. More than 2,500 students from the college have organized a student rally, in which Mr. Dr. Ahmed Salah Qarah, Dean of the faculty and Mr. A. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Mahmoud Sultan, vice dean for Student affairs and Mr. Prof. Imad Samir Mahmoud, vice dean for postgraduate and Research affairs Ahmed Khudari Mohamed UD/Mohamed Salah Faleh and many of the auxiliary body. The students of the college carried the Egyptian flag and informed the various colleges and photos of the masters of the University from Mr. A. D. Hassan Ibrahim Hassan, Rector of the University of Assiut, 1950, to Mr. A. Dr. Ahmed Abdo Jaayam, president of the current university. Following the arrival of college students at the premises of the administrative building, Mr. A. D., president of the university, witnessed many sporting activities offered by college students such as self-defence and boxing activities. Mr. A. D., rector, thanked Mr. A. D. Dean, faculty and student staff for their great efforts to commemorate this anniversary.