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The Sports Professions Syndicate honored the pioneers of sports education across generations who influenced the sports movement as if they were 30 professors nationwide, in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Sports, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, and how happy and honored the college is to have among the honorees: A. Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Halim, the former dean of the college and one of its symbols, and his own circumstances prevented him from being present. The union honored the deans of the various colleges, and on the sidelines of the honor, there was a workshop to discuss sports issues, represented by the Ministry of Sports, the union, and the deans of the colleges.
All thanks and appreciation to the Captain of Athletes, A. Dr. Fathi Nada and the Secretary General of the Syndicate, A. Dr. Jamal Muhammad Ali and the Council members for the distinguished and wonderful organization and warm reception
