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Student Line 8/11/2017

Under the gracious care of Mr. A. Dr. Ahmed Salah Qarah, Dean of the faculty the student queue was held at the college stadiums on Wednesday, 8/11/2017, at 8:30 pm at the Faculty of Physical Education and in the presence of Mr. A. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Mahmoud Sultan, vice dean for education and Student Affairs Mr. A. D. Saleh Mohamed Saleh, undersecretary for environmental affairs and community service, faculty members and faculty of Sports Education, attended the student queue. D/General Coordinator for student activities at the University Mr. A. Dr. Ahmed Salah Qarah, Dean of the faculty, delivered a speech during The queue emphasized the extent to which college students were committed to university values and to carry out the various sporting, cultural or artistic activities they were required to perform with great skill and precision.