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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
261 Rapid methods for the detection of food poisoning microorganisms (with special reference to Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes) in meat and meat products أ.د.طلعت سيد على الخطيب 1994
262 Antibacterial action of cinammaldehyde, eugenol and iso-eugenol on the behavior of Pseudomonas fluorescence inoculated into sterile beef muscle tissue أ.د.طلعت سيد على الخطيب 1994
263 Growth and survival of Aeromonas hydrophila in cooking butter at different storage temperature أ.د.محمد سعد محمد حسانين 1994
264 Microbiological investigation of ready-to-eat, deboned poultry meat. أ.د.طلعت سيد على الخطيب 1994
265 Growth and survival of Aeromonas hydrophila in cooking butter at different storage temperature أ.د.نجاح محمد سعد محاريق رضوان 1994
266 Behavior of Salmonella typhimurium and E. coli O157:H7 in Egyptian fresh sausage at 10 and 25oC with special reference to the effect of lactic and acetic acids أ.د.طلعت سيد على الخطيب 1994
267 Behavior of Listeria monocytogenes in refrigerated and frozen ground beef and in sausage and broth with and without additives أ.د.يحيى عبدالبديع محمود حفناوى 1993
268 Survival and growth of Listeria monocytogenes in broth supplemented with sodium chloride and held at 4 and 13°C أ.د.يحيى عبدالبديع محمود حفناوى 1993
269 inactivation and attachment of listeria monocytogenes on beef muscle treated with lactic acid and selected bacteriocins. أ.د.طلعت سيد على الخطيب 1993
270 Sensitivity of Listeria monocytogenes to selected spices أ.د.يحيى عبدالبديع محمود حفناوى 1993