Assiut University applies fixed Rules for salary scale, allowances, and pension:
Table of salaries and allowances for faculties and supportive jobs at universities
Staff salary scale and allowances
Conditions for earning these payments:
The annual periodic allowance is due on the first of January next to the date of the passage of one year to be appointed to one of the teaching staff positions or the position of assistant teacher, or from the date of the passage of one year from the date of the previous periodic allowance.
With regard to the periodic bonus due in January 1973, it is disposed according to the following rules:
- Determine other dates, a periodic bonus paid to each of the faculty members during the year 1972.
- The number of months is calculated from the date of the bonus referred to in the previous item until the end of December 1972, and fractions of the month are calculated for a whole month.
- The bonus is awarded in proportion to the number of months specified in the previous item divided by 12.
- When appointing faculty members, assistant teachers, or teaching assistants who were occupying positions in the government, public bodies, or the public sector, they retain the last salary they were receiving in these jobs if it exceeds the beginning of the salary of the job that they are assigned to, and on condition that it does not exceed the salary retained About the end of the degree assessment.
- A person appointed to a position of teaching staff at the University of Assiut, Tanta, Mansoura or the branch of Cairo University in Khartoum or in one of the colleges and institutes established outside the governorates of Cairo, Alexandria, and Giza is granted a special allowance from the job allowances assigned to it.
- The members of the faculty and repeaters are transferred to the table functions attached to their current salaries, and the salaries of faculty members and teaching assistants whose current salaries are less than the beginning of linking jobs to that beginning are raised.
- The specified allowances are due for each position in the salary scale for everyone who issues a decision to appoint him to one of the jobs mentioned in the table. It is not permissible to combine the representation and university allowances.
- The university allowance, representation allowance, the deanship allowance, the college agency allowance, and the department chair allowance specified in the salary schedule are not subject to taxes. The reduction determined by Law No. 30 of 1967 and its amendments applies to all the allowances specified in the table, and the sum of the allowances, no matter how many, may exceed more than 100% of the basic salary. .
- He retains his salary in a personal capacity, the university president, the vice president of the university, or the secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities who leaves office for any reason and returns to the teaching staff.
- The allowances prescribed for the highest grade job are due when the basic salary reaches the last level of the salary that it occupies.
- The university’s president in terms of pension is treated like the minister, and the one who occupied the position of vice president and the secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities are treated as vice ministers