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Activation energy effectiveness in dusty Carreau fluid flow along a stretched cylinder due to nonuniform thermal conductivity property and temperature‐dependent heat source/sink

Research Authors
A Mahdy, Fekry M Hady, Ramadan A Mohamed, Omima A Abo‐zaid
Research Abstract

This article studies the boundary layer flow analysis and heat and mass transfer of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Carreau fluid around a stretchable circular cylinder, comprehensively studying the suspended dust particles' impact. Here, the viscous fluid is theorized to be incompressible and loaded with spherical dust particles of the same size. Additionally, heat and sink sources are examined in the thermal boundary layer in the existence of both chemical reaction and activation energy influences. A compatible similarity set of transformations are utilized to mutate the system of partial differential equation formed in momentum and temperature equations of the fluid and dust phases as well the concentration equation into a set of ordinary differential equations. Therefore, the mathematical analysis of the problem facilitates and the numerical estimates of the problem are obtained using MATLAB bvp4c function. Computations are iterated for various values of emerging physical parameters from dimensionless boundary layer conservation equations in terms of temperature and non-Newtonian Carreau velocity of fluid and dust phases and concentration distribution. Moreover, the terminology of skin friction and Nusselt and Sherwood numbers have been obtained and studied numerically. Some interesting findings in this study are the heat transfer rate dwindles due to the increase of mass concentration of the dust particle. Also, there is a strengthening of the flow with variance in values of the curvature parameter while a weakening has been observed in the thickness of the thermal boundary layer and this hence improves the heat transfer rate. Therefore, the fluid flow around a stretched cylinder would be better, due to its multiple applications in various progressing industrial technologies such as the cement processing industry, plastic foam processing, watering system channels, and so forth. Also, activation energy plays a significant role in various areas such as the oil storage industry, geothermal, and hydrodynamics.  The dusty fluid flow is very important in the field of fluid dynamics and can be found in many natural phenomena such as blood flow, the flow of mud in rivers, and atmospheric flow during mist. Moreover, MHD applications are numerous including power generation, plasma, and liquid metals, and so forth. A perfect agreement between our results and other studies available in the literature is obtained through carrying out a comparison with treating the problem in special circumstances.

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Research Journal
Heat Transfer
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