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Construction novel polybenzoxazine coatings exhibiting corrosion protection of mild steel at different concentrations in a seawater solution

Research Authors
Abdulsalam Mahdy, Kamal I Aly, Mohamed Gamal Mohamed
Research Abstract

In this work, a new and effective polymeric coating is used to improve mild steel's corrosion resistance. The coating incorporates a Schiff base moiety into a benzoxazine (BZ) precursor, resulting in improved protection against corrosion. The SF-Tol-BZ polymerization behavior and thermal properties were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermalgravimetric analysis (TGA), respectively, at different curing temperatures. The poly(SF-Tol-BZ) cured at 240 °C had a Td10 value of 604 °C and a Tg of 225 °C. The efficacy of poly(SF-Tol-BZ) coatings in protecting mild steel (MS) from corrosion in a NaCl (3.5%) solution at room temperature was evaluated using various corrosion measurements, including open circuit potential (OCP), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results showed that increasing the poly(SF-Tol-BZ) concentration led to a corresponding increase in its protective …

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