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Zoology & Entomology Department


Different research programs have been carried out in the department of Zoology and Entomology in all areas including short-term and long-term projects. These include ecological and biological studies on the marine and freshwater ecosystems, the effect of water pollution on the Nile fauna, biological and taxonomical and fisheries studies on the Nile and Red Sea fishes. Moreover, a continuous work on stock assessment of fishes of the Nile and Red Sea has been established ten years ago and still in execution. Also modeling of the aquatic ecosystems of the Egyptian lakes, especially Lake Nasser is an important task of Fish Biology Group. Similar projects are carried out with respect to Entomological fields, especially those associated with our protected areas in Assiut and to animal parasites and their economic effects.


# Title Research Year
931 Studies on the effect of the herbicide Atrazine on the liver and kidney of the fresh water catfish Chrysichthys auratus 2001
932 Polyandry in field-collected Spodoptera littoralis moths and laboratory assessment of the effects of male mating history. 2001
933 Effect of shifting to crowded or solitary conditions on the antennal sensilla of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. 2001
934 Studies on the effect of the herbicide Atrazine on the liver and kidney of the fresh water catfish Chrysichthys auratus 2001
935 Role of tannic acidas antioxidant in reduction of the oxidative damage of aluminium chloride in the rats brains. 2001
936 Effect of shifting to crowded or solitary conditions on the antennal of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria 2001
937 Role of tannic acidas antioxidant in reduction of the oxidative damage of aluminium chloride in the rats brains. 2001
938 Effect of shifting to crowded or solitary conditions on the antennal of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria 2001
939 ِأنشطة مضادات الأكسدة، والتغيرات في بيروكسيدالدهون وانتاج أكسيد النيتريك في الجسم الأصفر الدوري وعلاقته بمستوي بروجسترون الدم في الأبقار 2001
940 The fine structure of the stellate cells in the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis of the lizard Chalcides ocellatus. 2001