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Department of Mathematics

As part of a large public research university, the Department of Mathematics performs many different roles in fulfilling its mission to create, discover, and disseminate mathematical knowledge on a broad front. The fulfillment of this mission in accordance with the moral traditions and religious values is sought through:

  • Preparing generations of scientists and alumni working at scientific, research, educational, and industrial centers.
  • Providing better educational services for undergraduate students to study mathematics and gain useful skills through educational programs in accordance with the national standards to become competent users of mathematics, continue to grow in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens.
  • Contributing to the advancement of the mathematical sciences through graduate programs and research.
  • Recruiting human resources, potential research, and consulting expertise to help solve environmental problems, serve production sectors, and work on community development.
  • Maintaining the hallmark of the faculty in conducting the South Valley studies singularly, and implementing supporting projects to exit the narrow valley in southern Egypt.

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# Title Research Year
881 Intersection Curves of Two Implicit Surfaces in R3 2012
882 Some Common Fixed Point Theorems in Menger Spaces Using Occasionally Weakly Compatible Mappings 2012
883 Convergence Theorems of Three Iteration Processes with Errors For Multivalued Mappings In Uniformly Convex Banach Spaces. 2012
884 Existence and uniqueness of a periodic solution for third-order delay differential equation with two deviating arguments, Existence and uniqueness of a periodic solution for third-order delay differential equation with two deviating arguments 2012
885 "Magneto micropolar flow considering weak concentration over a vertical porous surface in the presence of viscous dissipation and ohomic heating: Effects of Hall and ion-slip currents" 2012
886 MHD Flow Over an Inclined Radiating Plate with the
Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity, Variable
Reactive Index, and Heat Generation
887 Effect of sinusoidal variations of boundary conditions on unsteady double diffusive convection in a square enclosure filled with a porous medium 2012
888 Forced Convection Flow of Nanofluids Past Power Law Stretching Horizontal Plates. 2012
889 Gauss Map Singularities of Inversion Hypersurface in Rn+1 2012
890 Effect of Suction/Injection on Natural Convective Boundary-Layer Flow of A Nanofluid Past A Vertical Porous Plate Through A Porous Medium 2012